OneNote -> Notebooks -> Sections -> Pages
Can change background chrome to resemble a three-ring binder. Especially useful for handwriting because of the lines.
Big difference between OneNote and Word, it that is designed for unfinished work.
Search all the things!
Sync everywhere - Multiple users can edit shared documents at the same time, whether they are online at the time or not. If there are version sync issues, the merging is very easy.
Tip: If you know several users are in the document at the same time, take a moment to ensure that you are on the latest version before editing.
Recent OneNote API helped add in a few new features, including:
Windows Phone
Absolutely great! Not too many features to clutter it up. Very smooth app and integration.
Windows Universal
Very good for touch, but still has plenty of features.
Good, but is tougher on a small-screen device.
Free. Can't beat free!
Really love the formatting shortcuts.
Very similar to OneNote for Windows.
Should be the way that you all try it out. Great tool for students. Nearly all of the functionality of the PC (desktop) version. Doesn’t quite have the “solid” feel that we like with the desktop version.
Telescope for Periscope, by Daniel Gary
JJ: Duck Tales
Vernon: Super_Mario
JJ: Holly Wood Undead good and bad songs
Vernon: Tool - Not available on the Xbox Music store, but is available through OneDrive, through at least two different routes. ;-)
JJ: True Story
Vernon: The Dane and the Pain - Lars Klint, and our Twitter contest winner, Joel Jackson
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Thanks for listening! Stay mobile!