Welcome back for another episode of the MS Mobile Show! On this episode we are joined by Michael Fisher aka @Captain2Phones on Twitter from PocketNow.com.
Make sure to let us know what you think of this episode and do not forget to get entered in our Office 365 Home subscription giveaway which is detailed below and join us over at our Slack channel which you can get started via the link below as well.
We would love to continue the discussion between episodes in a central location, and since there is a pretty nice Slack app available on Windows Mobile, why not use this universal platform?
To request an invite, simple visit MSMobileShow.com/slack, fill out the contact form and then we will send you an invite to join the channel as soon as possible.
Time is running out to enter our Office 365 Home subscription.
All you need to do to enter is simply send us a screenshot of your Windows 10 Start screen. It can be either desktop or mobile or both!
You can send the images either via email to contact@msmobileshow.com or via our @MSMobileShow Twitter account using the #O365StartMenuContest hashtag.
Pin your work or home to your Start Menu in the Maps app and select "Pin guided directions" for a one-tap turn-by-turn solution to help you avoid getting lost.
Make sure to not accidentally click "Moments" instead of "notifications".
Thank you for listening and/or watching the MS Mobile Show!
If you are not already subscribed, please visit our Subscribe page to find out how to subscribe with your favorite app or service.
To support the show, please visit our Support & Advertise page in order to find out how to help keep this show going.
We have options for not only companies, but also for individual Patreon style methods priced for every budget.
As always, thank you for listening and/or watching!
Stay Mobile!